AP Test Information for Parents and Students
mportant AP Information
Please remember AP exams are college-level exams. You are expected to behave in a mature and responsible manner. If at any time you are causing a disturbance your test will be collected and you will be excused from testing. There will be no make-up sessions and Collegeboard will be notified of behavior that led up to dismissal. Your AP instructor will be notified if you decide to not take the test seriously and sleep during the exam period. Please read the following for important information.
*It is your responsibility to know what date your AP exam lands on. List of test and test dates are on school website and AP Bulletin distributed in your 4th period class. You can also ask your AP teacher for the test date.
*Students are expected to follow school dress code on test day.
*AM test takers will be called out of class to report to MPR at 7:30 a.m. Parents who allow their student to leave after an exam must write a note authorizing release after test and be at school to pick up their student. NO phone calls will be made to ask for permission or to ask to come pick up student.
*PM test takers will be called out of class to report to MPR at 11:30 a.m. Be sure to take A-lunch if you have a PM test scheduled for that day.
*Absence from school due to exam will be excused only for the time student is actually in testing. Please note absences will be marked as VERIFIED if parent has excused student from periods not associated with testing for the day. Students are responsible for work they have missed.
*AP test sections are timed. It is highly advised students bring a watch (no smart watch will be allowed) to keep track of time as they test. The watch may not make any noise during the test. We place two clocks in the MPR for students; however, they are analog clocks, not digital.
*Students are responsible for bringing appropriate and approved calculators. Calculators cannot be shared and must run on batteries.
*Cell phones, smart watches, tablets &/or any other electronic devices are not allowed to be with student during testing. Please insure you, as the parent, knows what time your student is testing. PM test takers may be testing up until 4pm and will need to arrange for transportation home out of the normal schedule &/or routine.
*Students are not allowed to leave the testing room until time is called for the entire test. If student leaves early their test will be submitted with an incident report and most likely be cancelled by Collegeboard.